YAHOO! Stampede is coming to YYC What's Going On YAHOO! Stampede is coming to YYC Stampede at YYC is about to get a whole lot bigger with barbecues, petting zoos, music on baggage carousels and hoedowns! 0
YYC welcomes 50 new Canadians at Citizenship Ceremony What's Going On YYC welcomes 50 new Canadians at Citizenship Ceremony On July 1, the Calgary International Airport hosted its third Citizenship Ceremony. 0
New interim PBS for Concourse B coming soon What's Going On New interim PBS for Concourse B coming soon Construction of a new Interim Pre-Board Screening (PBS) Area for Concourse B will start July 2. 0
Summer parkade maintenance and repairs What's Going On Summer parkade maintenance and repairs Between July 7 and September 14, some regular repairs and maintenance will be taking place in YYC’s P1 (domestic) and P2 (international)... 0