COVID-19 Update: March 31
Summary: Here are some COVID-19 updates for March 31.
YYC Calgary International Airport Updates
- Due to dramatically reduced passenger volumes, YYC Calgary International Airport is taking measures to adjust our operations and maintain the safety and security of the airport. You can find all the changes on including key messages about why we need to make these changes and frequently asked questions with the answers you need to help understand the changes. The changes are in effect as of tonight (March 31) at midnight.
- Parking office changes – Starting Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m., staff can now get their parking pass at the Pass Office. Employees can book appointments online and choose the “new enrollment” appointment type. This change was already scheduled to happen but with COVID-19, it made sense to make the change now. This change will create efficiencies and make the process less overwhelming at the same time. Reminder to employers to send in all layoff notices to the Parking Office ( and the Pass Office ( You can still email or call 403-735-1444 if you have a special parking pass request.
- The arrivals area between Doors 1-6 will be temporarily closed to public and staff. Employees accessing the Terminal from the Red, Green and Orange lot will proceed to door 7 and beyond to enter/exit the building. The 7-11 at door 1 will close however the 7-11 near door 9 will remain open. The Departures area between doors 1-3 will also be temporarily closed. Anyone accessing the DTB from this level needs to proceed to Door 4 or beyond to enter/exit the building.
- Here are the latest updates on:
Government Updates
- We wanted to touch base and share some important reminders to ensure the health of ourselves and others.
- If you have returned from travel outside of Canada or have been in close contact with a known case you MUST self-isolate for 14 days following your return/exposure and monitor yourself for symptoms.
- If you have symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat or runny nose, you MUST self-isolate for 10 days after the onset of symptoms an until your symptoms have resolved (whichever is longer).
- Complete the COVID-19 online self-assessment to determine if you should receive testing for COVID-19.
- If you are quarantined because you recently came back from outside the country, or you are a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19, you MUST remain in your own property. Under no circumstances should you leave you property during the 14 days of self-isolation.
- For fresh air remain in your yard or on your deck; no walks to the park, etc.
- Reach out to friends or family for groceries and essential items or order online.
- Please do not visit a hospital, physician’s office, lab or healthcare facility without consulting Health Link 811 first.
- If your symptoms worsen, call 811.
- Call 911 if you are seriously ill and need immediate medical attention, inform them that you may have COVID-19.
- If you are experiencing any symptoms, you MUST stay home and follow the self-isolation guidelines.
- Do not have family or friends over for a visit, even if healthy.
- Do not go shopping just to get out of the house. This is not the time to browse.
- For those that are not required to self-isolate, maintain at least 6 feet from others.
- This is not the time to go to your cottage or vacation home.
- Stay home as much as possible.
- Wash your hands often, don’t touch your face and cough/sneeze into your elbow.
Words of encouragement
There is no question these are unprecedented times. Our normal day to day routine is gone. Some of you may already be experiencing cabin fever or may have even lost your motivation. But we are all in this together!
Start your day simply:
- Make your bed. Although this seems trivial, you will have accomplished the first task of the day and will provide a small sense of pride. This will encourage you to do another task and another and another. And before you know it, you have accomplished many tasks by the end of the day.
- Doing the little things matter
- Reach out to your family, friends, co-workers often. Technology allows us to see each other and we need to stay connected.
- Be kind. This is a tough situation and everyone is going to react to the challenges we are currently facing differently. Take the time to listen.
- Find some joy every day. Many of us are healthy; we need to be grateful for that.
- Instead of thinking, “I am stuck at home.” Think, “I am safe at home.”
- Reach out to those who may need help.
- Don’t give up.
We will get through this together!
As always, safety and security is our top priority and we will continue to work closely with PHAC and AHS and all our government partners to fully support them in any new public health measures at YYC to ensure the safety of the entire airport community. We all have an important role to play in the fight against COVID-19. We know this is unprecedented but thank you to all of you who are and continue to ensure the safety of yourselves and others. We will get through this together! And as a reminder, if you are sick, STAY HOME!!
Airport employees: Visit to get the latest updates from The Calgary Airport Authority. Subscribe here to get the latest updates emailed to you directly. You can also email with any questions.
International guests: Visit PHAC’s website for information: or call PHAC 1-833-784-4397.
Domestic guests and employees: Visit AHS website for more information or call Health Link at 811.