Friday, December 27, 2024


What's Going On

Primary Inspection Kiosk installation update one
TeamYYC Admin
/ Categories: What's Going On

Primary Inspection Kiosk installation update one

As we make international travel easier for our guests, work will take place in the early morning hours of May 1 on the first phase of the installation of the Primary Inspection Kiosks (PIK).

The Nexus kiosks will be moved from their existing location to the mirrored wall in the border hall. Nexus kiosks will be available for use by the first flight on May 1. Our customer care ambassadors will be directing trusted travelers to the new location of the Nexus kiosks.


This move will kick off work to replace 43 of the current Automated Border Control units.


An area will be boarded off overnight between May 1 and 2 to allow for PIK installation so operation can begin on May 22.


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