Wednesday, January 22, 2025


What's Going On

Stay healthy during COVID-19
TeamYYC Admin
/ Categories: What's Going On

Stay healthy during COVID-19

We all have an important role to play in the fight against COVID-19. We know this is unprecedented but thank you to of you who are and continue to ensure the safety of yourselves and others. We will get through this together! And as a reminder, if you are sick, STAY HOME!!

Social Distancing/ Physical Distancing

Social distancing is not easy. Let’s use the term ‘physical distancing’. We are social beings and now more than ever we need to maintain our social ties. Thanks to technology we can use things like Face Time, video chat, etc. Reach out to your family, friends and co-workers. No one needs to feel alone in this. Go out and hug the fresh air!!

Limit the number of people you come into close contact with. It can help you reduce the risk of getting sick.

This is not the same as self-isolation. You do not need to remain indoors, but you do need to avoid being in close contact with people.

To protect yourself and others:

  • Keep at least six feet (the length of a bicycle) from others when going out for groceries, medical trips and other essential needs
  • Limit the number of times you leave your home for errands
  • Try to shop at less busy times
  • Order online to have groceries or other items delivered if possible
  • Go for a walk in your neighborhood or park while maintaining distance from others
  • Exercise at home
  • Avoid overcrowding in elevators or other enclosed spaces
  • Follow Alberta’s recommendations on mass gatherings
  • Wash or sanitize your hands after touching communal surfaces

Hand Hygiene

 Refers to hand washing with soap and water or hand sanitizing with alcoholic solutions, gels or tissues to maintain clean hands and fingernails. The most effective way is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 15-20 seconds:

  • Before and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating
  • After using the toilet
  • After coughing/sneezing into a tissue (or if non- compliant with respiratory etiquette)
  • Before and after using a surgical/procedure mask and after removing gloves
  • After handling body fluid-contaminated waste or laundry
  • Whenever hands look dirty
  • Touching one’s eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands should be avoided even with gloves on

Proper Use of Masks

There is a critical shortage of masks. Suppliers are prioritizing the supply of masks to health-care workers and first responders.

  • The World Health Organization, Public Health Agency of Canada and Alberta Health Services continue to communicate the appropriate use of masks. We urge you to comply with the public health agencies to ensure those that actually need masks are able to procure them. As per Alberta Health Services:
  • Masks can be very important in certain situations. When sick, wearing a mask helps prevent us from passing illnesses on to other people. This is why we ask people who have a cough or respiratory symptoms to wear a mask and wash their hands when visiting an emergency department or clinic.
  • If you are sick, wearing a mask helps prevent passing the illness on to other people.
  • If you are healthy, medical masks are not recommended as they don't provide full protection and can create a false sense of security.
  • Frequent and thorough hand washing, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing and avoiding touching your face, nose or mouth remain the best evidence-based ways to prevent the spread of respiratory illness.
  • N95 masks (respirator masks) require special fitting and testing in order to be effective. We strongly recommend against members of the public using N95 masks, as they can make it more difficult to breathe for some individuals, especially those with chronic breathing problems. They provide little, if any, benefit to members of the public, beyond that provided by a procedure mask.
  • For more information and frequently asked questions, please refer to:


Please visit the following websites if you have further general questions about what COVID-19 is, how it is spread, or how many cases there are in the world at present. You can call Health Link 811 if you have additional questions about what you need to do to protect yourself and your family against getting a COVID-19 infection.

  • Alberta Health:
  • Public Health Agency of Canada:
  • World Health Organization:

For any other questions, please email

Stay healthy, practice good hand remain social but physically distant and stay home if you are sick!!


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