Cleaning and hygiene at YYC during COVID-19
We’ve received many questions about our current cleaning practices here at YYC during COVID-19. Please know that we are maintaining the hygiene standards set out by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) during this unprecedented time. We’re grateful to our cleaners on the frontlines, helping to ensure that YYC stays safe and clean for everyone.
Staff washrooms, lunchrooms and locker/shower rooms are being cleaned daily, as per OH&S standards. Optimizing our staff and resources to maintain the cleanliness of public areas is our primary focus. As recommendations from PHAC evolve, we will continue to amend our practices.
We’re asking our partners for their assistance in maintaining cleanliness in their respective spaces, as we work together to keep the airport safe for employees and guests. The best thing we can all do to help is practice proper hygiene, by frequently washing our and hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
Please see below updates on cleaning and answers to your frequently asked questions.
March 18—
- Thanks to swift-acting and collaborative partners, we’ve replenished our hand sanitizer supply and you’ll see the hand sanitizer stations refilled as soon as possible. Supply will be focused in high risk areas, with additional sanitizing units placed where possible.
- Washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds remains the best recommendation for hand hygiene.
- Should a shortage in sanitizer or other cleaning supplies occur again, please know that YYC is working tirelessly to obtain additional supplies.
- We have reinforced to our transportation partners that taxis, Ubers and shuttle partners are to ensure vehicles are cleaned after transporting guests.
March 17—
- Last week we doubled our frequency of terminal and parkade cleaning according to Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) recommendations and have the necessary virucidal supplies in stock to do so.
- Our enhanced protocol includes sanitizing high-touch surfaces such as kiosks, door handles, elevators, washroom facilities, railings, etc.
- Additional cleaning measures at YYC include disinfecting the customs kiosks after every flight.
Q: Have you installed hand sanitizers at the lobby, elevators or elsewhere?
A: At the advice and request of PHAC, sanitizing stations have been installed in CBSA, PHAC area and the exit points from all Concourses. This is in an effort to conserve supplies and focus sanitization on high risk areas.
Q: Have you increased the cleaning to put more emphasis on high touch areas throughout the public areas of the building such as door handles, elevator buttons and public bathrooms?
A: PHAC’s recommendation is twice per day. We have brought in extra staff on to ensure this standard is maintained. Major touch points and surfaces such as elevator call buttons, door handles, Airline check-in/ boarding podiums and technology, passenger kiosks and screens, etc.
Q: Can you provide disinfectant wipes for use by our employees?
A: Due to a global shortage, there are no additional supplies available to distribute.
Q: Have you changed the cleaning products you use to increase the cleaning properties?
A: Our regularly stocked cleaning solution is a medical grade virucidal, well-suited for our needs in this situation.
Q: Have you increased the frequencies of the cleaning tenant spaces?
A: Cleaning in all tenant office space remains at every second day, with washrooms, lunchrooms, locker/shower rooms being daily, as per OH&S standards. With limited staff and resources, our main focus is directed towards public areas. We ask all partners with their assistance in maintaining cleanliness in their respective spaces as we all do our best to keep the airport safe.