Nick from NAV Canada reflects on change
Celebrating 10 years as an Air Traffic Controller this year, Nick says the mechanics of his job haven’t changed during the pandemic, but the repetition and volume was altered dramatically in March for his team of 30 people.
“We went from working long busy days to seeing a few planes a day and it was a little hard on morale,” he explains. “But I like to look for the little gems every day. There is a story in every seat, and I get to play a part in that.”
With a commercial pilot’s license, great sense of humour and keen interest in travel, this former Peace Officer says flying for the military was his plan A, but plan B has worked out even better. Nick is grateful for an interesting, engaging career that also allows him to be a hands-on dad with his young sons.
“Travel is a necessity for society and our personal health, and it goes against our grain if we don’t,” he says. “Right now, it seems complicated with quarantine and vaccines, but I am hoping that people can adapt with this new sense of normal and we can get back to it soon.”