Wednesday, January 22, 2025


What's Going On

COVID-19 reminders
Natasha Koshowski
/ Categories: What's Going On

COVID-19 reminders

Alberta Health Services (AHS)

AHS has expanded eligibility for testing to anyone in Alberta who has a fever, cough, shortness of breath, a runny nose or a sore throat. If you have any of these COVID-19 symptoms, it is important to remember the critical first step: stay home if you’re sick. Your next step should be to take the AHS online assessment COVID Self Assessment in order to arrange testing. There is no need to call 811 for those who complete the form and completing this online form is the more efficient want to arrange for a test.

I have been tested for COVID-19, now what?

If you have a positive test result:

  • Regardless of when your self-isolation began, if your test results for COVID-19 are positive, you are legally required to self-isolate for at least 10 days from when your symptoms started and until symptoms have resolved (whichever is longer).
    • Self-isolation can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by lowering the chance the virus could spread to others.
    • You must stay at home – do not leave your home or attend work, school, social events or any other public gatherings.
    • You should avoid close contact with other people, including household members but especially seniors and people with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems.
    • Wash your hands often and thoroughly, cover your cough and sneezes, avoid sharing household items and clean and disinfect frequently touched and shared surfaces.
    • You will be contacted by Public Health for information and instructions.

If you have a negative test result:

  • If you are a contact of a known case of COVID-19 OR have returned from travel outside of Canada OR are a close contact of an ill person who has returned from travel outside of Canada within the last 14 days:
    • Even if your results are negative, you must stay in self-isolation for a full 14 days and monitor for new symptoms. Common symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat or runny nose.
    • Continue to follow good respiratory etiquette, good hand hygiene.
    • If you have new symptoms in that time you can take the COVID-19 self-assessment or call Health Link at 811 for additional advice. Anyone requiring emergency medical attention should call 911.

For more info

I am living with someone suspected or confirmed of having COVID-19

If you are living with someone who is suspected or confirmed of having COVID-19 everyone in the household must isolate. It’s important to remember that even if you don’t have symptoms, you may be contagious and anything you touch could transfer the virus – even without symptoms. Have friends or family drop off essential items or have items delivered.

Here are some guidelines as to what to do in the home:

  • If at all possible, try to ensure that the ill person has a designated bedroom and bathroom.
  • Maintain physical distance from the ill individual, as much as possible.
  • Visitors should not come to the home.
  • Do not allow the ill person to prepare meals for others, and ensure that the ill person uses a separate preparation area or at least prepares meals at a different time, washing all surfaces after.
  • Avoid sharing household items like dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels and pillows.
  • Wash your hands frequently, with soap and warm water.
  • Frequently sanitize all surfaces, particular handrails, doorknobs, sink taps, toilets, and other items of frequent touching.
  • Advise loved ones to cover their coughs and sneezes with their arm, not their hand, and to practice good respiratory etiquette at all times
  • Monitor yourself for symptoms and call Health Link for assessment and advice if you have symptoms yourself.

Please refer to the Alberta Health Services website Home | Alberta Health Services for further information or contact Health Link 811.

Be well.

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