#WhiteHatWednesday: Alex
Airfield Equipment Operator, The Calgary Airport Authority
Each #WhiteHatWednesday, we will highlight one of the awesome members of Team YYC. This week, read on to learn more about Alex, Airfield Equipment Operator.
"I feel for the passengers sitting on the plane, waiting to leave during a snow storm. It makes me think, 'this is why we do what we're doing; to get people on their way,'" says Alex.
Alex and the Airside and Groundside services team are highly trained in summer and winter operations, including snow removal, painting runway lines, fence and asphalt repair. During the winter months, the operators are ready to go at a moment's notice in a snow event.
Alex says he loves working at YYC because everyone on his team has a great sense of pride in the work they do.
"It's the best place I've ever worked, every day is different. I have been here five years and I plan to stay at YYC."
Do you know someone on Team YYC who goes above and beyond in their job that should be featured for an upcoming #WhiteHatWednesday? Leave us a comment below or email yyccommunications@yyc.com!